Afghanistan Media System and Public Sphere(s)

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3rd Masterclass  – 25. August+26.August 2023 an der Universität Leipzig mit Prof. Dr. Abbas Poya.

The two-day masterclass „What does it mean to become or to be an academic?“ will comprise three consecutive blocks.

In the first block „How to become an academic in Afghanistan and in Germany: Opportunities and challenges“ each participant will briefly present his/her own academic and professional career. Thereby, the particularities of academic careers in Afghanistan/Iran and Germany will be comparatively discussed.

In the second block „University degrees; academic papers; professional perspectives“, the German academic system will be discussed. Here, the focus will be especially on the following questions: What qualifications or degrees one can obtain, how to write an academic paper, and what career perspectives one has, especially in the Humanities. In this block, short texts prepared beforehand by the participants will be discussed with regard to the criteria that a scientific analysis must meet.

The last block „Academic analysis using the example of the relationship between Islam, Human Rights and tolerance“ addresses specifically the question of what scientific approach means in relation to the topic formulated above. In this context, the particularities of a human rights-oriented society will also be explained.

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